Welcome to Next Academy, your premier source of education. We are committed to giving you our best academic courses, focusing on each course that helps you upgrade your facilities, capabilities and personal information. Next Academy for Vocational and Technological Training started in 2017, the Academy offers more than 150 specialized training courses in various fields, based on 100% practical training, So that the first goal of the Academy is to graduate young men and women who are able to enter the labor market with strength and confidence .. and are able to compete In professional and professional life. Among the most important academic specializations: professional courses – medical courses – courses in the field of computer and information technology – courses in the field of accounting – courses in the field of management – courses in the field of cake and sweets – courses in the field of cooking – courses in foreign languages – systematic courses for the basic and secondary education stages – Free workshops – courses in the field of car detection and maintenance – industrial courses – external courses in Istanbul – internal & external hosting .